ReactionTime Collective
A Taste of the Future
An Interactive Sensory Lab
Design Museum, Holon
Curator - Talia Yanover
Chief Curator - Maya Dvash
The works displayed in the Design Lab explored the future of our food through the prism of the senses. We were raised to believe that we perceive the surrounding world through only five senses – sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. According to contemporary neuroscientists, however, humans have dozens of senses and sub-senses that work together to process variegated information in the brain. These include senses that transmit information concerning hunger, satiety and thirst, a sense indicating where our different body parts are in relation to one another, and even a sense of movement and acceleration, which enables us to understand the relation of our body to the space we inhabit. Although the future has yet to arrive, scientists, researchers and designers are already connecting past and future, extending the limits of the human imagination and revealing the potential embodied in possible futures.

Photo By Elad Sarig
ReactionTime Collective

Photo By Inbal Reuven

Photo By Elad Sarig

Photos By Inbal Reuven

Photo By Inbal Reuven

Photos By Elad Sarig

ReactionTime Collective